We do not claim to be experts in Food legislation – however we do have experience with certain food categories which may be applicable if your product cannot fulfill the requirements of a listed therapeutic good. These include the Formulated Supplement sports foods, Formulated Caffeinated Beverages, Formulated meal replacements. If you do have a food that does have added vitamins and minerals and other dietary supplement type ingredients, we can review the formula and determine what your best options are, advise on restrictions and possible replacement ingredients if necessary.

We can review labels or develop labels in accordance with the standards, assisting with wording for claims,  other statements and general presentation – refer to labelling & advertising.

New Zealand

In NZ you have the option of Dietary Supplement regulations or NZ  Food (Supplementary Food) standard-where possible we can assess your labels so that you can have one label that applies in both Australia and NZ. We can also assess the labels and promotional material against advertising rules – both in Australia and NZ- to ensure that your presentation is consistent and in accordance with  the rules. We can assist with TAPS reviews in NZ or with submission of a request for advertising approval of a restricted representation.

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